Tuesday 11 April 2017


Salam dari Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan,

Peperiksaan semakin hampir. Mood aku nak belajar kejap naik kejap turun macam roller coaster. Tetapi sebagai pelajar matrikulasi dua tahun, aku kena 'ajar' diri aku untuk lebih fokus dan berdisiplin. Masa 'lebih' yang aku habiskan di KMNS haruslah berbaloi. Aku nak pada bulan September 2018, berebut-rebut universiti awam offer course pilihan pertama kepada aku. 😀
Meh sini aku share lima cara bagaimana aku kekal fokus.

Check it out!

So, cara pertama yang aku selalu amalkan ialah pastikan setiap malam aku akan tidur awal bagi mendapatkan rehat atau tidur yang cukup agar kekal fokus di dalam kuliah.

 Cara kedua untuk kekal fokus ialah untuk menetapkan atau menanam cita-cita yang ingin aku capai setelah tamatnya pegajian. Dengan cara ini akan membakar semangat aku untuk meneruskan perjuangan yang penuh asam garam heheheh. 

Cara seterusnya ini mungkin sedikit tidak masuk akal tapi cara ini sesuai bagi aku dan telah berkurun lamanya aku mengamalkan cara ini iaitu mendengar lagu sambil belajar. Cara ini meningkatkan lagi daya fokusku.

Aku juga mengamalkan makanan sunnah setiap pagi jika tiada kekangan iaitu dengan memakan kismis serta kurma. Kismis serta kurma bukan sahaja dapat meningkatkan fokus malahan menguatkan serta menajamkan minda kita.

 Cara terakhir untuk kekal fokus ialah kita mesti meminanti sesuatu subjek tersebut. Dengan minat akan menimbulkan rasa fokus yang mendalam. Jika kita tidak meminati subjek itu susah untuk hadirkan fokus tersebut. Jika betul-betul tidak meminanti kita perlu perlahan-lahan untuk meminati subjek tersebut. Tak kenal maka tak cinta, kan ? heheheh

So itulah serba sedikit tentang tips yang aku amalkan untuk kekal fokus dalam pelajaran! Lain orang lain caranya kan ? Selamat mencuba !!! Sekian dari saya, alissa zailani :)



Tuesday 21 March 2017

This entry is for my PB, Type of Website

* This is a portal for kmns students.
* This portal offer many kind of Internet services from a single, appropriate location.
* Example of Internet services that this portal provide are message board(Forum), Email( kmns email) and many more services.

*This is one of online social network known as Facebook.Facebook was created by Mark Zuckerberg.
*Facebook allows users to create profiles, upload photos and video, send messages and keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues.

* This is a business marketing website which known as 11street.
 * This website is one of the famous business marketing website and also offered a cheaper price.
* People nowadays find this online shopping convenient and easy to bargain shop only from their house.

* This is one of the most well known wiki which is wikipedia. 
* From this wiki we can get any information that we want basically from its history to the end.
* This wiki usually use a basic english so that everyone from the others country could understand the content.

* This is the example of blog website which is blogger. 
* Blog is an informal website that consist of posts in a diary or jurnal format.
* By using blog we can add a gadget on our blog to make it looks more interesting, we can upload photos and videos to every entry that we want.

people find it convenient and easy to bargain shop from the comfort of their home or office.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/online-shopping.html
people find it convenient and easy to bargain shop from the comfort of their home or office.

Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/online-shopping.htm

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Love my little family ~`

Family where life begins & love never ends 💕
Hi and assalamualaikum everyone. So, today im gonna introduce my viewers to my little family 💜
This is my mum, her name is Fauziah bt A.Khalid. Since Im the only daughter in my family, Mama is kinda my sister too heheheh we both love to gossip with each other, laugh together & also always have a little fight almost every day. Since Im studied in KMNS, im am a bit lonely because of mama is not here with me (this is the reason of my homesick thing). HAHAHAHAHA *im about to cry :( 
  So lets proceed to my daddy. So this is my first love since my first day on earth & forever my Super ABAH 💙 heheheh. So his name is Mohd Zailani B. Mohd Zain. No matter how old a girl may be, but sometimes a girl just needs her dad 😢 ( i think im gonna stop right away before i ended crying again ;/ )
So basically this is my little siblings. As you guys could see im the one & only princess in my family and above me are my two big brother. My eldest brother name is Muhd Amirul & the second one is Muhd Afizh. ( I think i will continue editting this entry later since i got not enough time )

Tuesday 7 March 2017

To those who are willing to view my blog ;)

My Dear Bestfriend ❤

I know this picture is kinda lame, but i dont care. This appreciation post is for my bestfriend that are always be with me throughout this year since semester 1 in this matriculation 💞 Thankyou for all the effort that you guys have done to cheer up my day, love you all galsss 💕
                                                                                                                                   Your Love,
                                                                                                                                      Alissa Zailani.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

welcome to my journey !!!

Assalamualaikum & hi everyone 💙❤ WELCOME TO MY BLOG!! This is my first post for this blog & im kinda new here 😆 Thanks for visiting my blog whether its on purpose or not hweheheh ;)